The meetings aim to assure the smooth running and implementation of the project and the quality of results. The project foresees 3 transnational project meetings:
1.Targoviste, Romania – Kick-of Meeting
2.Slovakia – Project management – intermediary evaluation
3.Targoviste, Romania – Project management and discussion of microlearning modules
Learning, Teaching, Training Activities (LTT). It will be organized a 5 days training course that will involve 3 youth workers, social workers from each partner country. The aim of the training course is to transfer the knowledge and art based methods from the Manual to participants. Also, participants to the TC will develop skills to pilot the art based methods and organize workshops in their local communities.
Each partner will carry out local workshops where art based methods will be piloted. Youth workers will pilot the art-based methods and will discuss European topics, youth policies and the phenoma of Euroscepticism with young people.
There will be collaboration with Schools, High Schools, Universities, NGOs, youth clubs from local communities.
There will be organized 5 multiplier events in each partner country to increase the visibility and impact of project results. Interested actors from the local community, stakeholders, and potential beneficiaries will take part in multiplier events.
The coordinating organization will organize the Final International Conference of the project presenting all achieved results.