• Booklet with good practices. The Booklet will be a collection of 30 existing activities on art-based methods. Activities that are used by educators and youth workers to discuss youth policies, EU values and other European topics with youth.
  • Manual for combating Euroscepticism and teaching European values through art-based methods. The Manual will contain information and art-based methods needed to carry out activities on European themes and combat Euroscepticism among youth.
  • Training Toolkit. The Toolkit includes a training programme on how to use art-based methods in youth activities. The training programme will be applyed during the LTTA (Training Course) for youth workers and educators. The Training Course aims to transfer to participants the knowledge and skills on using art methods.
  • Video tutorial on how to set up art based method workshops. The aim of the video tutorial is to extend the benefits of using art-based methods to a wider target group. The tutorial will show step by step how to set up an art workshop to tackle Euroscepticism and discuss European topics.
  • Microlearning modules. There will be developed video tutorials for young people on the principles of microlearning. The video tutorials will be grouped 5 in learning modules that will be shared through social media channels.


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